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The male lead character of The Journal and writer of very said item. He could win any discussion if he wanted to but prefers to stay low key and just write song lyrics for Little Nothings - he just wants a simple, happy life, really. 


>> INTERVIEW: "Yeah, I've been member of Little Nothings for quite a long time by now. I actually met Louis kind of by accident through Aria, when she moved to Chicago. I came to visit her one weekend I think and we went to this ice skating place with Daisy; Louis was there too and there was some kind of misunderstanding which somehow led him to yelling at my face for like five  minutes straight."

    Harry laughs at the memory and lets a hand through his messy hair, as he leans back in the chair amused by the memory. His person screams of coolness and being relaxed; his aura is simply just enchanting and he's almost charming without trying.

    "Of course we figured it out and as the good guy he is he offered me a beer as apology; we started talking and yeah you go figure. I discovered he's into music like myself and we kept in contact meeting briefly whenever I came to Chicago, where we would jam and just I'd some him some new notes . When I moved to Chicago he was over the moon - and he'd actually already thought up a band name - though we later changed it again because he couldn't get us to agree on 'Sass Class' (I mean seriously?) - anyway he had even asked Ed (Brooks) and Alex (T. Norris) if they were in. I hadn't even properly arrived! 


I don't know what I want for the future; it's always been such a mystery because I rarely know what I want or where I need to go next. I'd like to live simple though; I don't need glory or - or infinite amount of money for that matter. I guess I'd just like to be happy and be with people I care for."


Harry tries to brush off the question; it's easy to feel he's not all into talking about dreams and goals in life, as he nervously bites his lip and waits for the next question. 

    "Oh you're really curious about my goals, huh? Well I don't know what do people usually dream about? Getting married? Having kids and a family? I just can't imagine that right now, you know? But okay here's a dream of mine for you -" he chuckles and narrows his eyes, but something soft and caring forms in the greenness as he continues; "I'd like to stay with her. Simple as that. I just want to... kiss her collarbone every morning to wake her up. I want to have her near and pull her into a hug whenever there's something missing. I want her to stay with me for as long as she wants to.

    I guess I could dare to dream that; it's not too much to ask for is it? Of course if she wanted me to leave her alone, I'd do so - of course. But -" Harry's eyes flickers almost panicked around the room before he takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes over himself. "I really hope she wants me to stay for as long as my heart will keep beating - all for her. Sorry, was that too sappy to use? God, don't let Louis read this." 















It can be anon if you wish - just remember to mention it's for him x







>> The only right way to listen to music is from vinyl players. Sorry - but all those illegally downloaded versions or tunes bought over iTunes, just no. It's literally just music genocide to listen to that. You need a vinyl player if you really love music. I can give you the address of a little record store in Chicago, if you're interested?                                     


>> Oh come on! I can't possibly pick just one? There are so many terrific records out there; new as old, but I still love the old classics. Especially rock'n'roll. The Rolling Stones, The Who - they are practically music Gods if you ask me (surprisingly enough Amber hasn't gotten enough of me babbling about them? I've definitely met ... others who didn't appreacite my 'annoying-worship-maniac-talk', haha! God, she really must love me). 


Anyway Little Nothings new EP - you should aaall listen to that one! You can get it online or in a couple of the record stores here in Chicago. Yeah okay, I'll be serious. Hmm if I have to absolutely pick one favorite record - I'll have to mention two.

    Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd and Exile on Main St. by The Rolling Stones. Absolute legends! But of course there is new stuff like AM by Arctic Monkeys too (we did a cover of R U Mine actually) or you know Matt Corby; absolutely amazing. Niall introduced me to him the other day actually.

>> I learned to play piano from a very young age because my father decided I should take private lessons. So I did. Turned out I was decently musical so it wasn't too hard learning the classical tunes like Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata or Chopin's Nocturnes. That's how I learned reading and writing notes, which was just about the only thing I really loved which I learned from being home-schooled actually. Became very useful later on obviously. 

   So I remember for one of my birthdays I dared to wish for an electrical red guitar, which I had seen in the window of a shop in Washington DC one afternoon when I had been with Mrs. Meredith out on her shopping trip. Of course my father just stared at me like I had gone absolutely insane - and the courage I had gathered to ask dissapeared as he yelled at me to go to my room and stop the pathetic nonsens. 







Secretly when I was about 15 years old though, I'd make small trips down to the music store and just drift around the shop for a good hour ocassionally - if there weren't so many customers - play on one of the exhibition guitars. I really wanted to learn, but it was very limited what I could achieve just with 10 minutes of jamming on a guitar whenever I managed to escape the house. 

    It wasn't till a year later when I'd been allowed to go visit Aria in Chicago over the Christmas holidays, that I got my first guitar. It was an acoustic one, but it was wicked! I spend the entire two following days learning to play properly and try out some of the melodies I'd written and composed by using the piano. Most of it sounded decent, but I definitely wanted the sound to be more raw. 


Obviously I couldn't bring the guitar with me home; I would pretend to have it when I was alone in my room. I spend a lot of time writing at that point - to keep myself distracted mostly.   I  wrote



some lyrics, but it wasn't till when I was 17 after the incident in NYC and a wild night out with Jenny, that I wrote my first actual song.        

   It's called 'Divided into Atoms' and I think it's the first real serious song I ever wrote - and it even made it to the EP! It's wicked really. It's amazing the guys like it that much and Louis sings it just - brilliantly.

  But I guess, I learnt; it's all about giving your soul to the song. Writing not only from your mind and heart but with the entire essence of your soul. You need to pick every word as if it was matter of life and death, like it's 

the only thing that can save you - or free you. Maybe the only way to fully enjoy an emotion inside of you. Put it into words - mean every note, word, and sound.  

    That's why I sometimes write on my hands too; if I don't have my journal on me. I can't miss a thought; I can't miss a way of phrasing anything. I just can't.


You can read some more of my lyrics, which made it onto the Little Nothings EP here -coming soon.








>> Definitely not an obsession. More like a distraction sometimes or an implement to outsource creativity building from slight insanity? Okay maybe an obsession then. 

   Anyhow I started using them as very young actually; there was this one day - I can't remember how old I was exactly but I think I was about 10 - when I was just roaming through the libarary of our home. There's always been something fascinating about the walls filled with books and their faded golden letters on the worn ancient leather that varies in color and shape.

  I'd often pull out a book on random and open it as if it was a treasure that would crumble to pieces by the lightest touch. Often they would be in French, Latin, fucking Greek even. My dad hates when I touch the books in there - so every little sound would make me jump like a deer hearing a gunshot. Eyes snapping to the door while my heart would be pounding as a hummingbird's. 


Then there was a specific day; I had found an English book where the printed letters were barely visible from being so tiny and slim. The sun stood in through the stained glass reflecting in the dust particles hanging in the air from the heavy blood red draperies. I was so lost in the words that I didn't hear the heavy familiar yet terrifying sound of footsteps. I knew it was him. The sound was as recognizable as his voice even; the slow heavy pace.

   When I finally heard it; it was too late for me to escape through the other door. In pure panic I sought over the room almost fainting from the fear of being caught with a book in my hands. My eyes found the old wooden desk and before I knew it I was crawling into the hide under the desk; pushing the chair out - before pulling it back into place when I was safely located in the dark little hidden space. I was fairly sure my heart beat echoed against the walls and would reveal me - but maybe the books were secretly on my side and swallowed the loud sound for me that day.

    He was barely in the room for more than five minutes; and yet it felt like an eternity in hell's waiting room. 


When he finally left I stayed behind; my eyes nailed on a brown paper back that stood in there with me. I had just stared at it till I dared moving - dared making the smallest sound again. 

   I had let my mind wander off - thinking, imagining what treasure the brown paper back would be hiding. But I never knew it would be a much more magical item than the hundred things I had imagined. It took all my courage to pull the brown back forth and peek down into it. 

  Inside lay a brown leather journal with a simple elegant leather strap. With shivering hands I put down the English book I had been clenching to my chest for hours. I picked out the journal; turning it in my hands. It was almost pitch black in my hiding spot, but I could still just see the handwritten note that had been added in a writing I had never seen before. 

   'Belongs to Anne Styles' it simply said. Nothing more - and yet it meant as much to me as the importance  of the bloody universe being created. 

    There hadn't been written anything in the journal - but from Mrs. Meredith I learnt that my mum wrote a lot of journals apparently. Though I kept searching the house for them - spending hours, and hours - I could never find another one. 


I discovered though - that the one she had never gotten to use was bought in Barnes & Noble. They called the version a 'Brown Medieval Wrap Journal' but since it's rather expensive being 'handbound in freaking Italy' as the website claims - I don't always buy that version. I think - actually - that the journal I let Amber keep is this version though; yeah I'm fairly sure. It'll proabably be the very last one of those I can buy, since I'm kind of broke at the moment. Anyway - that's basically my story of my 'obsession with journals'. 

>> I'd say go ask Louis Tomlinson about that because it seems like it's his absolutely favourite story to tell. The passion in his eyes is like the flame of the olympic games or something; yeah he really loves that story. Still as embarrasing as ever though. 

   All I can say is it included a hell lot of swearing, sweating, and running in the middle of the night. 

Q: Where do you find the inspiration to write songs for Little Nothings?

[from lissanne_ruiter_de, instagram]


A: Oh - yeah great question! Well it's hard to say somehow? It doesn't really feel like I need to seek after inspiration - it's something I have in my chest, in my heart, in my mind, and fingertips.

   The songs I write are part of me - so maybe you could say that life is my inspiration? A chill evening with my girlfriend where you just feel complete and happy, sometimes it's the feelings combined with burning anger if someone treated you badly.   It's the little things that make up life I guess, mostly it's the real intense thoughts and experiences which just beg to be shared and written - beautiful and unfair. Hope that answered the question :) 

- H. 


Q: If you could replace any of your bandmates; would you? And who it'd be with?

[from homelyteen, instagram]


A: Kind of a dangerous thing to answer this, haha. If I as much as mentioned one name Louis would rip off my head! So I guess I'm going to say; what makes Little Nothings are the bandmates I have. Ed, Alex, and Louis are all great. No doubt. Though it could be kind of cool - for me at least - to learn some tricks from John Mayer. I mean maybe he'd like to take a break from the country vibes he's got going and enjoy a session or two of indie rock? 

- H. 





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