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GRAFFITI by arietem


Two lives can be so remotely different even though they're lived in the very same city. Nora Grey and Zayn Malik are two souls living in the same city who by faith or maybe destiny stumble upon each other. It turns out they maybe needed to find each other more than they thought at first. 




Nora GreY


I live in Manhattan, New York City with my father who's a CEO. I study at the Fifth Avenue School of Fine Arts where my major is Art History. I'm more interested in dancing though - there I take Modern Dance as a sub course. I mean there's just something magical about giving in to the music and being yourself. It's like music sets me free - does that sound stupid? It probably does. 


Anyhow in my free time I enjoy the city and spend time with my two best friends Alice and Jay. Occasionally I'd go shopping or work on some dancing routines, but mostly I spend my time teaching the mini-girls team for ballet classes. 

I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn - you know on the other side of the East River? It's like a few stops from Manhattan really. Currently I'm living alone in my appartment spending my time working for my living at Rocks' Pizzas with Halie mostly during the evening and nights. It's not the most glamours thing but we're kind of a family there, so I like it. 


In my free time I paint. Usually around Brooklyn but occasionally also in Manhattan. Saturdays are spend with Halie at Fred's every now or then - Fridays our group of friends drink and fool around till early in the morning and wait for the sun to rise. It's especially beautiful during the summer actually - so far Halie and I got a record of seeing 10 sunrises. Sometimes we would go after work hours so maybe it's cheating, but just don't tell. 

"This world is but a canvas to our imagination.
 Henry David Thoreau 

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I live in Manhattan with my mum, dad and little brother (who's a major pain in the ass by the way!). I'm attending FIA just like Nora but I'm majoring in Modern Dance. I've been dancing my entire life - so it was such a miracle that I got accepted into FIA. It's like a dream come true baby. 


In my free time I teach the same place as Nora, but I teach hip hop for mini beginners. Always a fun time and I really need the money so it's perfect. Nora got the job through me actually - it's amazing to have her around! 


I live in Queens with my aunt. I was lucky encough to get a scholarship to FIA majoring with Contemporary Writing and Production Music. It's sick! The past couple of years has undoubtly been the best in my life - I've met so many fucking awesome (sorry for swearing but seriously) people and it's been an experience I could never have even dreamt of! I just went to a regular community high school back in Ohio so it was an incredible opportunity I got! 


In my free time I work in a toy store and create music with one of my friends. I think we could really make it big some day - we just need someone to notice us! Anyway my favorite thing is my laptop, where I create my tunes. I'm not that much of a singer - it's more the beats and instrumental parts you should leave to me, oh yeah - and I play guitar and drums. 

I live in Brooklyn and basically I don't talk to people like you so fuck off. Oh if you see Zayn Malik or any of his crew let him know I'm going to fucking kill him because of what he did. Usually you can find me at 5 Pointz doing some paint. 





I live in Manhattan, and yes - I know what you're wondering; and my father is the owner of Tomlinson Enterprises Inc. Therefore he travels quite a lot but on the other hand he lets me do practically whatever I want to as long as I finish my education at Fifth Av. School of Fine Arts, where I'm majoring in acting. Piece of fucking cake. Anyway I throw awesome parties in my penthouse suite and occasionally attend premiere that sort, which my father's company has sponsored or whatever. 


In my spare time I love to give my black Ferrari 612 GTO Concept  a spin around town. Other than that I take snowboarding trips to Austria where my dad owns a hotel or sometimes I go to LA to visit my mum who lives there (parents are divorced boo-fucking-hoo) anyway I got a bunch of friends there since I grew up in that city. All the clubs know my name obviously. 


I live in Brooklyn and work part time as tattoo artist and at Rocks' Pizza with Malik. He's a crazy kid. Anyway I take some courses in photography though of course that's probably never going to be anything - but it's fun and I really think Brooklyn got some beautiful sides which deserve to be captured. 


Other than that I just like to hang out with folks and mess around; I love Fred's parties and dancing! It's always a blast - life's too fucking short anyway. The first time I met Zayn he kind of called me a little annoying shit and I punched him in the face. We've been friends ever since. 


Fifth Avenue School of Fine Arts was founded in 1915 by the young and enthuastic Emily R. Watson, who spend a lifetime fighting for the artistic values within education for both men and women. 

  Inheriting her most beloved father's fortune after his unfortunate death in the Titanic tradegy; she went against the expectations of her time and invested in this great school. It is now the third best 'fine arts' school in the world and has traditions furhtermore values which goes nearly a hundred years back.


Next year the Fifth Av. School of Fine Arts will reach its 100 years anniversary of educating young people within the valuable and most treasured knowlegde and skill of fine arts.

Fifth Av. School of Fine Arts will heartfully thank every student, staffmember and sponsor who has made sure to keep this school at its top level. 

   We are glad to announce that a very special scholarship will be created as great milestone for this legendary school and its decade of teaching. The Emily R. Watson scholarship which will be given to the most promising applicant of each new school year. This will be determined by the invested performance of the individual applicant who has made it through the interviews and other practical acceptance standards. The perfomances of the five final applicants will be supervised by appropiate jugdes. 


The most promising performance will before school start recieve this honorable achievement and be welcomed to Fifth Avenue School of Fine Arts. We would like to thank

Tomlinson Enterprises for sponsoring this great purpose in the name of Emily R. Watson and look forward to the early applications for the next semester, which we will go through over the summer. 


This year's dance and music seniors of the Fifth Av. School of Fine Arts would like to invite friends and families to their final graduation show which will take place Friday the 30rd of May at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased through the school's website or at the entrance if there are still tickets aviable at the time. The profit will go to maintance of school property and thereby further support of art education. 

   We hope to see you soon and that our students will remain focused and hardworking for the remaining four weeks of this school year! 


ZAYN MALIK, graffiti artist:

   >> Obviously it's all very visual and artistic in some sense, but it's basically just putting your mind into the painting. I think that's what I kind of like about it; you don't keep the piece with you for the rest of your life in a materialistic sense. More in the sense that's in your heart and mind that you've created that piece once a couple of years back. It'll faint away on a wall somewhere or maybe be repainted; very like the mental memory you have of it. It'll slowly change color, shape and the thoughts concerning the piece will change too. It's a process which is easy to deal with and very natural; it's all about just getting it out of your body really. <<

NORA GREY, art student:

   >> There's this little café down at the corner of my street. They have the undoubtable best lattes in town and the atmosphere is just amazing! Maybe it's a little pricey but honestly I don't mind paying for the vibe of the place if it's just right. You should totally try it someday! I think Jay applied there some weeks ago actually - as he said it could be nice to be paid to hang out where Ali and I spend most of our time anyway. It could be so cozy!<<




This is a fan made trailer for the story 'Graffiti' - check it out it's really something! If you want to make something for the story and have it featured here as well then send it to me through either wattpad, twitter, or

5th Av. School of Fine Arts
Graffiti in NYC
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